My novel in progress, A Delicate Charade, is a work of contemporary fiction. This novel revolves around two characters, Jack and Ellie, along with their family and friends that surround them. Each character reveals their account of a specific illness, disorder, or issue from which they suffer and attempt to hide. Written as a tightly knit
anthology of short stories, each disorder is given a personal and detailed
account, and in most cases, the reader is left to discover the illness that is
being described. This work revolves around the theme of people lives not always
living as they seem.
Below is a tiny excerpt from this work in progress!:
“You’re kidding!” Jack
finally halted his fork. His voice sounded horse and a little gargled from the
food still making its way down his esophagus. He took a huge gulp of milk from
the glass in front of him, leaving food debris on its rim, and brown gravy
remained doodled around his lips and chin. This was no concern to him. His
entire mind had just shifted from the juices running down his meat to the juicy
information his mother just shared. The gossip filled his mind like a balloon being
pumped with helium, and there was no room for thought about how ridiculous he
looked at that moment and how easy it would have been to use the napkin sitting
underneath his crusted, sticky right hand. “What did his parents say? What did
he do?”